
October Tower Echoes: Preschool Update
Office Manager Office Manager

October Tower Echoes: Preschool Update

The preschool has been running smoothly since our re-open on July 6th. From the onset of this pandemic we as a staff viewed this as a unique challenge and a way to come up with new solutions and techniques to overcome this unprecedented obstacle. Not only have we stayed Covid-free through these first few months, but we have also maintained over 80% enrollment while also expanding and opening a new classroom.

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October Tower Echoes: Outreach Update
Office Manager Office Manager

October Tower Echoes: Outreach Update

The sale of the former Phinney House will benefit our church community for years to come. When the conversation turned to a tithe of the sale proceeds, we began considering the communities in our city who—due to racist policies such as redlining, and the injustice of broken treaties—have been denied the same opportunity to grow wealth and retain property. The Race and Equity Team, along with the church council, prayed, discerned, and developed a plan to contribute a tithe of $80,000 to be split into 3 areas. We’ll tithe $10,000 to our synod to be dedicated specifically to race and equity work. The remaining amount will be split evenly into two gifts benefiting two very important Seattle organizations.

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October Tower Echoes: Pastor’s Page
Office Manager Office Manager

October Tower Echoes: Pastor’s Page

Normally, the Prayer of Commendation, spoken over a casket or urn, takes place in the space where the assembly to which the deceased belonged gathers for worship. That didn’t happen for my Mom’s burial in September. Due to the social distancing restrictions of the pandemic, the funeral was held outdoors at the graveside with an attendance not surpassing thirty people. The Pastor did indeed lead the Prayer of Commendation over the casket before the committal service…

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