October Tower Echoes: Preschool Update

  The preschool has been running smoothly since our re-open on July 6th. From the onset of this pandemic we as a staff viewed this as a unique challenge and a way to come up with new solutions and techniques to overcome this unprecedented obstacle. Not only have we stayed Covid-free through these first few months, but we have also maintained over 80% enrollment while also expanding and opening a new classroom.

  Working as a cohesive team, the preschool was able to onboard multiple new families to start the new school year in September. Normal visit days and tours were not an option during this pandemic, so we developed a brand-new way to onboard new families with a combination of private classroom visits, and virtual meet and greets. The results have been so positive that we plan to implement this method of onboarding new families going forward.

   PRLC Preschool now has a Kindergarten Program! It has been years since PRLC had a Kindergarten classroom, and though this one will likely not be permanent, it is here now. We listened to the needs of the families we serve and implemented an afternoon program to support our Kindergarten learners in their social, emotional, and physical development. After spending all morning at home doing virtual school, the children come together here and continue their learning through self-guided play, creative projects, and lots of freedom to create and explore. From day one we had a vision of a classroom that reflects the children in it. We have given the children ownership to make the room what they want it to be. The children have decided to name their classroom the Rainbow Room!


October Tower Echoes: September Financials


October Tower Echoes: Outreach Update