Common Problems for Seniors and How Church Communities Can Help

Wondering what you can do to help seniors in your church community? Preserving their health and caring for their homes can get overwhelming as the years go on, but that’s where church communities can step up and start helping the most vulnerable members of their congregation. So, if you want to learn more about pressing senior issues and how to help, be sure to read through these important points and resources.

Falls Can Be Rather Serious for Older Adults

Did you know that falls are one of the leading causes of death and serious injuries for seniors across the world? If you want to help senior members avoid falls, these links can help.
Preventing Senior Injuries at Home
How to Install Handrails in Bathrooms
Tips for Helping Seniors Avoid Falls

Depression and Isolation Can Impact Seniors

Your senior members may seem happy while attending services, but they may be feeling lonely when they’re at home. Here are some resources for helping seniors avoid feelings of isolation.
Facts on Senior Isolation and Loneliness
Keeping Seniors Company to Avoid Isolation
Small Group Activities for More Fellowship
Top Hobby Ideas for Older Adults 

Loss of Vision Can Also Affect Older Adults

As adults get older, we tend to lose some of our ability to see. This can impact seniors the most, but you can read these links to find ways to help seniors stay connected to your services:
Info on Age-Related Vision Losses
Guide to Better Lighting for Seniors
Large Print Bibles for Visually Impaired
Activities for Seniors With Low Vision

Home Maintenance Can Be Difficult for Seniors

Elderly church members who do not have family nearby may find it challenging to keep up with essential maintenance projects around their homes. You can use these guides to help them:
Must-Have Tools for Home Maintenance
A Complete Guide to Home Maintenance
Help Them Decide if Downsizing Makes Financial Sense

Caring for your senior church family members is a wonderful way to demonstrate the compassion of your organization. By educating yourself and your community members on the most pressing problems facing seniors, you can make the greatest impact on their lives.
Photo Credit: Pexels

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