October Tower Echoes: Food Bank Gets Big Surprise!

Jo-Ann Cress and Sally Thompson were just finishing their shift in the Food Bank on Tuesday afternoon (October 6th) when two young ladies rushed through the door and announced they had a delivery.  Charlotte Roble and Sonia Alves explained that they had organized a food drive in their neighborhood for the PRLC Food Bank, complete with handmade posters, and that their neighbors and friends responded quickly and abundantly.  The girls and their parents carried in bag after bag after bag stuffed to the brim with all kinds of non-perishable food!  It seems that people are truly anxious to help one another in these difficult and anxious times, and that light of generosity burned bright in response to Charlotte’s and Sonia’s appeal, resulting in the collection of at least 300 pounds of food and $262 in cash for the PRLC Food Bank.  Thank you, Charlotte & Sonia!


October Tower Echoes: Outreach Update


October Tower Echoes: Pastor’s Page