Deacon Dispatch: Outreach Updates from the Church and World

What’s Next, God? – Reflections on Ordination

From the start of our planning of my August 10th ordination, we envisioned a celebration meant for the whole church. Throughout my 15 years at PRLC, the partnership forged with many of you has been the foundation for PRLC outreach work. The time had come for my ordination, but also for the ordination of the ministries we share. And what a celebration it was! The music, Bishop Shelly’s words, Pastor Bryon’s sermon, and the support of so many of you in-person and live-streaming will stay with me the rest of my life. Thank you.

I am forever grateful for the call to continue to serve at PRLC, but in a new season as your Deacon of Outreach. As Pastor Bryon shared in his sermon at the ordination, this is a time to collectively ask God, “what’s next?” Our city and world are full of challenges and opportunities. Difficult issues provide the opening for God’s renovative presence to surprise us, form us, and transform our world. What is our part in this process? Where are we called to focus and apply our gifts? We’ll begin to explore this question during a 6-week Sunday morning Zoom series beginning September 19th. See the adult forum announcement for more info.

And watch this space going forward for “Deacon Dispatches”, exploring and forging connections between the church and world. Together we’ll continue to break down the barriers between God and God’s people in our church, city, and world.


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