Open Position - Organist

What we need 

A gifted and creative organist who will provide musical leadership for worship, and accompany the Chancel Choir (adult), Children’s Choir (K-6) and Youth Choir (7-12) in worship and rehearsals, and be an active part of the congregation.

What you will play 

Our worship space has an excellent acoustic with a fine organ and a Baldwin Grand Piano. The organ is a two manual and pedal instrument with mechanical action and electric stop action. It was built and installed by the Schlicker Organ Company in 1973. It was completed and rebuilt by Martin Pasi in 1992 and has twenty two stops. 

Who you are 

● A person with a strong understanding of Christian faith and practice who can encourage others in their faith through music leadership 

● Highly skilled and confident musician 

● Collaborative team member of Church Staff 

● A creative player of hymnody who leads and inspires a robust, singing congregation 

● Adept at improvisation 

● Well grounded in the patterns of Christian liturgy 

● Curious musician who appreciates, values and incorporates a wide variety of musical genres 

● Highly organized professional

What you will do 

● Select and provide organ/piano music appropriate to the liturgical season for all regular worship services 

● Lead congregational song for all worship services 

● Meet with pastors and music staff for worship planning and attend the weekly staff meeting.

● Supervise music staff, meeting with choir directors to schedule choirs in worship and relaying worship information between pastoral and music staff.

● Accompany Children’s, Youth and Chancel Choirs in rehearsal and worship. Gospel Choir accompanist responsibilities are open, commensurate with interest and experience 

● Rehearse and accompany small ensembles and soloists. Coordinate music for summer worship when choirs are not active 

● Schedule, rehearse and conduct instrumentalists for worship 

● Value the musical gifts that church members bring; nurture and mentor musicians at all skill levels with a focus on children and youth

● Work with office staff to ensure complete and accurate worship bulletins

● Maintain organ and pianos and schedule maintenance as needed 

Education and Work Experience 

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Music, church music, or other related degree and experience 

  • Minimum 3 years experience leading liturgical worship with organ 

  • Minimum 3 years experience accompanying musical ensembles on keyboard 

Numbers and Benefits 

  • Salaried position at 30 hours per week, with possibility of full-time based on an expanded job description. 

  • Salary range is negotiable commensurate with experience and skill level 

  • 2 weekly Sunday morning worship services 

  • 3 weekly Wednesday rehearsals September through May 

  • Right of first refusal for weddings and funerals at PRLC 

  • Continuing education stipend 

  • 4 PTO Sundays (Vacation / Sick) 

  • Cafeteria Medical Plan available as set aside pre-tax money 

Please send cover letter, a resume, and a 3-5 minute video recording to:


Open Position: Parish Administrator


An Update from our Missionaries, Zach Courter & Rachel Eskesen