October Tower Echoes: September Financials

Dear members and friends,

Our finances are continuing stable, thanks to your continued pledge fulfillment and the church’s reduced expenses during this closure. Although we are currently running a deficit, that is a common predicament for churches in the fall, before the typically increased giving in December; and we expect to make up for it by the end of the year. Be on the lookout this month for your 3rd-quarter giving statements, which will be emailed to you the week of October 19. (If you prefer to get a mailed paper statement, just call the church office and let me know.) Please reach out to me with any questions. Thank you for your faithful support.

Christina Sunstone, Parish Administrator

PRLC – Now Debt-Free!

When this congregation approved the sale of the house at 329 N 76th, it was with the stipulation that we would use part of the proceeds to pay off our mortgage. And we have now done it! To celebrate this milestone, we plan to have a symbolic “mortgage burning” at our next annual meeting, in January 2021. Be sure to be there to cheer together as we celebrate our new status as a debt-free church!


October Tower Echoes: Upcoming Adult Forums


October Tower Echoes: Preschool Update