Living The Lord’s Prayer - Sundays at 1:30pm

Living the Lord's Prayer

Nancy Monelli and Don Boetler will serve as Sherpas (facilitators who are also co-learners) for this adventure, meeting online Sundays, beginning on January 10, at 1:30 pm.
Cost: $15*

This is a practice-based group. Each session will feature time for small group discussions, exercises, and some experiments and practices to try during the week. To make this group effective, each person who signs up is asked to:

  • Participate in all the sessions. (It’s ok to miss one session but please let us know ahead of time)

  • Complete the weekly spiritual exercises (1 to 1½ hours per week).

  • Do the active experiments/ practices each week (1 to 1½ hours per week).

  • Share authentically about your experiences.

  • For group safety, keep what is shared confidential.

*during the final session, and based on their experiences with the Lord’s Prayer, the group will decide where the total of the registration fees will be donated.

We think a group like this can really help us to connect, grow, and change. If you are up for this adventure, please complete the registration form and e-mail it: monelliministry –at— Any questions? Just send them to this e-mail address as well.

Your friends in Christ,
Nancy and Don


Book Discussion Group: Caste


Zach Courter, Missionary to Hungary - Advent Newsletter