February 2021: Outreach Update

The Love Through Justice Project and Racial Equity in our Synod
In January, members of the PRLC Race & Equity Team met with our Bishop Shelly Wee and other synod staff to discuss the synod portion of our tithe from the sale of the former Phinney House. Our aim was to find a program for our $10,000 that was connected to the Project’s overall goal of addressing racial inequality. Not surprisingly, God was way ahead of us. We learned of a brand new synod initiative to support congregations of color through contributions to the salary and benefits needed to sustain their clergy. Many middle and upper-income congregations have trouble meeting the synod recommendations for clergy compensation, let alone a congregation of people who have historically been frozen out of access to wealth because of racist policies and practices. Limited compensation for clergy creates instability due to turn over or long-serving clergy lacking the support needed to fully serve their flocks. The synod is addressing this by creating a “racial equity” program to provide for a portion of compensation for clergy of congregations of color. Before talking with us, Bishop Shelly had just finished a zoom call with the ELCA benefits partner setting up the financial logistics, and then here we were with the first contribution! God is always right on time.

Feb. 14 - Race and Equity Series Week 1: Former PRLC Vicar Elizabeth (Peter) Eckman
On February 14th, we begin a three-week series of adult forums presenting people of color in the church today. For this first week, we'll watch a pre-recorded talk from former PRLC Vicar Elizabeth (Peter) Eckman. Elizabeth joined the R&E team on a recent zoom call to vulnerably discuss her own journey of racial awareness over the past year and a half, and was willing to share these thoughts with the wider PRLC community. Find the link in the Wednesday or Sunday church emails, and join us on Sunday at 11:15am.

Feb 21. - Race and Equity Series Week 2: Dr. Joshua Tom of SPU
Dr. Joshua Tom, Assistant Professor of Sociology at SPU, joins us live for an update since his last adult forum with us. Dr. Tom received his doctorate in sociology from Baylor University, and spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia. He conducts research in the areas of race and ethnicity, religion, and marriage and family. His work has been published in Social Science ResearchSociological PerspectivesSociological Spectrum, and Journal of Family Issues. Join us to listen, engage, and ask questions of Dr. Tom.

Feb 28. – Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church Michael Curry
We'll watch and discuss a recorded sermon from the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church Michael Curry. Bishop Curry, a long-time voice for social justice in the christian church, brings words to inspire and inform. We'll follow his sermon with conversation focused on what he has to say but also wrapping up questions and themes from the three-week series.


February 2021: Lent


Another Way to Give: Stocks and Mutual Funds