Adult Formation This Autumn

When Sunday School begins on September 19, 2021, there will be four opportunities for adult small group formation to which all are welcome.  Each of these sessions run for six weeks.

 In-person small groups

These groups will meet between services on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. at the church, beginning September 19.  Since we’ll be inside, please wear a mask.

 Safe in God’s Hands – A Support Group for Those Who Grieve – led by Nancy Monelli
God calls us to worship, to rejoice, and to serve together in community.  We are also called together during times of grief and pain so that we might support one another while begin held together by God’s love.  We will provide an opportunity for those who are grieving to come together to share their stories and tears, express their pain and hope, and support one another during this difficult time.  These meetings will provide a time for sharing, for praying with and for one another, for experiencing the comfort of God’s love and promises, and for learning ways of being in the world without the physical companionship of our loved ones who have died. 

Sunday Scripture – led by Pastor Anne Lorhmann

In this group we’ll discuss the lectionary readings for the upcoming Sunday.  Mulling over the scripture readings a week ahead provides daily bread for the week in-between Sundays.  The readings are from the Revised Common Lectionary, the scriptures that ar read not only in Lutheran congregations, but across the ecumenical spectrum.

Falling Upward – led by Lance Georgeson

Franciscan priest Richard Rohr offers a thoughtful exploration of “a spirituality for the two halves of life,” allowing those in particular who have embarked on a journey into the second half an opportunity to understanding how these two halves connect, especially in retirement.  We will review our own life’s journey, reflect, and share on the different relationships to God, and discuss opportunities, and challenges in the second half of life. The book Falling Upward will cost each participant $16.95.

Virtual group

This group will meet exclusively online over Zoom. If you plan to be at church to attend an in-person service, feel free to access a church wifi signal with your own device and follow the appropriate link in the church emails. Contact Deacon Patrick ahead of time for help!

Outreach at PRLC: What’s next, God? - led by Deacon Patrick Meagher

On September 19th we’ll begin a 6-week zoom group reflecting on past outreach work at PRLC, and exploring where God is calling us to serve in this unique season. Join newly minted Deacon Patrick Meagher for discussion and discernment as we learn from each other, informed guests, and Jesus himself through scripture and experiences. What’s next, God?

Phinney Ridge Choirs

You are invited to sing in one of the Phinney choirs this fall! Youth, Gospel, and Chancel Choirs will rehearse in-person, masked and distanced. Singers will also be masked and distanced when singing in worship. All three choirs welcome new singers.

Youth Choir (grades 6-12) Wednesdays 5:30-6:30pm in the sanctuary, rehearses weekly and sings in worship monthly at the 8:30am service. Contact Paul Georgeson with questions at

Gospel Choir (9th grade and older) Wednesdays 6:20-7:20pm in the Tree of Life Room, rehearses weekly and sings monthly at the 8:30am service. Contact Craig Hopper with questions at

Chancel Choir (9th grade and older) Wednesdays 7:30-9:00pm in the sanctuary, rehearses weekly and sings weekly at the 11:00pm service. Contact Beth Ann Bonnecroy with questions at


Companions for the Way


Pastor’s Page – Sabbatical