Pastor’s Page – Baptism is a Verb

Have you seen this? It’s on the east wall in the youth room. Created by Kari Van Sanford, it depicts the promises we make in baptism with a clear emphasis on the verbs:

Have you seen this? It’s on the east wall in the youth room. Created by Kari Van Sanford, it depicts the promises we make in baptism with a clear emphasis on the verbs:

  • To live among God’s faithful people

  • to hear God’s Word and share in the Lord’s Supper

  • to proclaim the good news of God in Christ

  • to serve all people, following the example of Jesus

  • to strive for justice and peace in all the earth

Next Sunday is the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord, a great time to renew together the promises we make in our baptismal covenant with God. Mark’s Gospel tells us that the “heavens were torn apart” when God spoke and the Spirit fell upon Jesus at his baptism. God is not sequestered in some faraway place. The torn heavens testify that in Jesus, God is on the loose in the world. In baptism, God enlisted us into this daring adventure of joining Jesus in God’s mission of loving a broken world. As we enter a new year, are you ready to re-up and re-commit? Jesus Christ, on the loose in the world, is at work in and through you! Will you join me in making a good start to 2021 by renewing the promises of baptism with these resolute words, “Yes, and I ask God to help and guide me?”

Pastor Hansen


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The WAY Begins January 10