May Tower Echoes: Vehicle Purchase Proposal

This proposal was approved at the congregational meeting on April 25.

PRLC access van has served thousands of people over the years, including but not limited to: The PRLC Child Development Center, our church’s children, youth, and family ministries (retreats, service trips, VBS, etc); the Food Bank; Sunday worship transportation; Mary’s Place and other outreach activities.

About a year ago, the PRLC Child Development Center approached church staff to consider replacing our current vehicle. For quite some time, the van has been less-than-ideal for the school’s needs. It does not include the proper safety and seatbelt features needed for small children, and its limited capacity means that teachers and parents often need to drive their own vehicles to fieldtrips (a financial and liability issue). Those who use the van for other church ministries have also noted its deficiencies in providing all we need in a church vehicle. In summer of 2020, the catalytic converter was stolen from the van. There has been a temporary fix to this problem; however, the part cannot be replaced, and the vehicle will not pass its next emissions test, at which point it will be entirely out-of-commission.

A committee was formed, made up of key stakeholders: Patrick Meagher, for outreach/food bank/Sunday driving; Nicole Meyer for children and youth; Kari VanSanford and Rebekah Heeg from the school (Kari is also a church member); and Sara Funkhouser, church staff. They first brought a thoughtful and thorough proposal to the Council in fall of 2020, but with COVID and financial unknowns, the proposal was tabled. * This winter the school once again came to us and stated the great urgency of this need (many might remember this conversation from our February meeting). In addition to the numerous ways the van serves our congregation’s vital ministries, the school depends on a vehicle to continue its popular summer curriculum. Without our unique fieldtrips, many families would not choose to continue enrollment in the CDC over the summer months.

In our March meeting, the Council reached consensus to bring this proposal to the congregation for approval. The proposal is to authorize up to $150,000 for the purchase of two vehicles, one custom-made and similar in style to our current access van; the other a 15-seat passenger van. We hope to proceed with urgency so that we might secure one or both vehicles in time for summer programming.

*The full proposal can be shared with members upon request.

Custom Access Van 2022 Ford E-350 V8 $85,560.00
with integrated child safety
seatbelts and chair lift

15 Passenger Van 2020 Ford Transit Passenger Wagon $45,000.00

TOTAL $130,560.00**
**Cost does not include annual maintenance insurance, etc.

$100,000 capital investment using funds from sale of Phinney House
$ 30,560 from Child Development Center Savings
No Debt!

The Wheels on the Bus Fundraising Campaign would kick off immediately as a collaborative project between the school and church, with a goal to replenish all of the capital investment and place any excess funds in a vehicle maintenance account. The church and school will also pursue funds via public and private grant-making agencies.


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