May Tower Echoes: Pastor’s Page

The Resurrection story in the Gospels extends well beyond an empty tomb. The Risen Jesus appears to his disciples and is fully present to them. Jesus speaks with them, touches them, and eats with them. During this season of Easter, we are given opportunity to dwell in these stories and we are given opportunity to notice where the Risen Jesus appears and is fully present to us still.

My spell-checker doesn’t recognize the word mystagogy. It is a little off the beaten track. The term is used to describe something of what occurs during this beautiful time of Easter. Mystagogy is a kind of sustained reflection upon the mystery of Christ we receive in the liturgy and in the sacraments. Though we cannot be in person just yet, we may still open our hearts to discover Jesus fully present to us. I invite you, during this Easter feast, to keep your eyes peeled and your ears open for the ways Jesus graciously intrudes into our lives. What did you hear in the scripture readings for Sunday or in the daily readings? What provoked you in the sermon? What did you hear as you listened to the choir or sang the hymns that brought about wonder or delight? What was confusing or displeasing? What stirred within you during the prayers of the people or at the prayer of thanksgiving?

One of the richest Easter narratives is found in Luke, chapter 24. The Risen Jesus appears to disciples on the Emmaus road. They don’t recognize him at the time but only later when he sits down to meal with them and is known in the breaking of the bread. Later, they reflect upon the way he opened up the scriptures to them and with astonishment remarked: “Did not our hearts burn within us?”

This Easter, take notice of what you see or hear or feel. Let the “alleluias” of Easter lead you to the newness God so richly provides. I wonder how the Risen Jesus will move our hearts.

Christ is risen indeed!
Pastor Hansen


May Tower Echoes: Calling a Deacon


May Tower Echoes: Spring Election Meeting