May Tower Echoes: Nehemiah Initiative Update

Nehemiah Initiative Update: Beloved Community Creation
by Minister of Outreach Patrick Meagher

I had the pleasure of attending a zoom this month hosted by the people involved in the Nehemiah Initiative. This is one of the organizations to which PRLC tithed $47,000 after our sale of the former Phinney House. The Initiative exists to help central area churches retain their valuable land by pursuing economically advantageous developments that benefit the community as well as the church.

Donald King, the Chief Executive Officer of the Nehemiah Initiative, shared a positive update on the church furthest along in the process. Goodwill Missionary Baptist Church in the area of 15th Ave and Fir St helped to form the Initiative, and their pastor, Bishop Garry Tyson, opened our time with reflection and prayer. We saw site plans for a low-income housing building to be built on what is now a church parking lot, and heard about fundraising successes and future goals to make this project a reality.

 A consistent theme throughout the conversation was the Beloved Community spoke of by Martin Luther King, Jr. Seeing this collection of over 30 faces representing communities all over our city discussing such a beautifully shared effort to address economic injustices of the past, it was easy to believe in this theme. We talk of big ideas like racial equality and economic justice, and sometimes feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the work needed to make these things real. Through faith, courage, and tremendous skill, the Nehemiah Initiative is doing that work right here in our city, and we get to be a part of it! Thank you, Lord.

 Current areas where PRLC can make a difference are advocating to our city government for a zoning change that makes it easier for churches to build low-income housing on their property. This change is vital for the Goodwill Missionary Baptist Church project to move forward. Learn about the proposal on the city website, and contact your city council members to voice your support.



May Tower Echoes: Spring Election Meeting


May Tower Echoes: Youth Update