In-person Worship FAQ’s - June 2021

UPDATE: As of Sunday, July 4, advance registration is no longer required.

We know you are all anxious to hear how we plan to worship together, beginning Sunday, June 13. We are so excited to be together! Here are answers to your potentially FAQs (frequently asked questions):

When will church happen? Beginning Sunday, June 13, we will hold two worship services: 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 (we may change this depending on interest). The 11:00 worship service will be livestreamed for those who cannot attend in person. It will also be recorded for viewing at other times, and available on our website, on YouTube, and Facebook.

Do I need to sign up? Yes. In order to ensure that we have enough space to keep social distance while accommodating all worshippers, we need you to reserve your space. This won’t last forever, but will help us as we get started with this new post-pandemic phase. Information on how to sign up will be forthcoming. We will always have extra walk-in spaces available, but hope to keep those especially for our neighbors who are visiting or aren’t online. So please reserve a spot if you can. Sign up now for this Sunday’s 8:30 or 11:00 service!

What about masks? For now, we will enforce mask-wearing for ALL worshippers. You may wonder why fully vaccinated people can’t attend without masks, or why can’t we have a section for people fully vaccinated? Those are fair questions. Our staff and task-force, considering recommendations from our synod and healthcare professionals, have decided that we will remain masked until all people who want the vaccine can receive it, including children. We do not want to monitor or enforce evidence of vaccination; we do not want to ostracize those who cannot be vaccinated for any reason; and we feel it is most hospitable and caring to the most vulnerable to simply continue wearing masks as long as everyone needs protecting. You will see worship leaders remove masks when speaking and while distanced from other leaders. Other than that, masks are required at all times in our building.

Can  I come to church? As mentioned above, we are not going to monitor vaccination status upon arrival, nor will we expect you to disclose your own vaccine status or health history. We ask that if you are sick or experiencing any symptoms of illness, or if you have been in contact with someone at risk of having COVID, that you stay home. We also hope those who are un-vaccinated will stay home. Please be thoughtful of your own risk, and others’.



What will happen when I arrive? Please keep your mask on, and keep distanced from people while you make your way to the Greenwood Ave (sanctuary) doors. The 75th St doors will be locked, but the alley door will be open exclusively for those who need the elevator. When you get to the narthex, you will be asked to answer the same simple questions you’ve become accustomed to about your recent health history. A greeter will welcome you, check you in, and lead you to your pew. Please follow usher instructions throughout worship.

Can we sing?? Yes! Please fully enjoy worshipping together! As long as we are in Phase 3, we can sing while distanced and wearing masks in church. Alleluia!

Can I bring my offering? We will collect offering by allowing people to drop it in a basket as they exit worship. You may also sign up for online giving as

Will we share the peace? Yes! We will share peace, but without moving from our seats or making physical contact. A bow, a peace sign, or a nod are all acceptable ways to share the peace of Christ with those worshipping around you.

Can I take communion? Yes! We will distribute communion as you exit at the end of worship.

Can I hang out with my church family before and after worship? Please make plans for fellowship with others somewhere other than our lawn, so that all worshippers can enter and exit while maintaining safe distance.


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